Magnesium – The essential dietary mineral
by Branislav Bruno
Personally I take 200mg Magnesium Glycinate tablets with each meal, up to 1200mg supplemental Magnesium per day, on top of the 800-1000mg I get from my diet.
Magnesium is an essential dietary mineral which is used in over 300 seperate processes in the body. The majority of magnesium in your body is bound to proteins or stored in your skeleton. Bones contain about half of body's magnesium as it's necessary for the formation of bone, teeth and normal nerve and muscle function. Many enzymes in the body depend on magnesium to work properly. Magnesium is very beneficial for healthy blood pressure and intense hypertrophy training as it helps to relax the muscles after a hard contraction and aids to lower the weigh under tension.
A simple way to asses how many milligrams of magnesium your body requires is by slowly increasing supplemental forms of magnesium (Glycinate, BisGlycinate or Citrate) until you get loose stool or diarrhea. Then you should reduce the dose until you no longer experience these side-effects. That's the optimal amount of dietary & supplemental magnesium you can absorb every day!
It's relatively easy to get adequate amounts of magnesium from your diet as it's found in most foods like fruits, vegetables, nuts and fish, which are all commonly consumed by bodybuilders and fitness enthusiasts. In order to supply more magnesium for a better controlled eccentric contraction, you can use supplements like maghnesium citrate or (Bis)Glycinate which are the most bioavaiable forms of magnesium.
Sufficient Magnesium intake conributes to:
Foods containing Magnesium:
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